Saturday, April 21, 2007

What a Secret Pal!

I got my very first Secret Pal Package! And what a package it was!

Check out the booty...

And I can't say enough about this washcloth. I love the cable so much I'm afraid to actually use it.

Berroco Glace is so soft, and this fushia is so pretty. And pink and green stitch markers.. I love pink and green. It's so pretty and perky.

My pal even sent treats for the munchkin, a Clifford dog, and two lovely books. Zoe was so delighted she slept with him and brought him to breakfast with her.

Thank You Secret Pal! You're the best!

Thursday, April 19, 2007

So Much

Wow! so much has happened lately. I was inducted into Lamda Iota Tau, the national honor society for english majors/minors. I recieved my summer reaserch match, and it's great. I'll be workign with a Doctor at the hospital who is doing glucose metabolism reserch. He's considered adjunct facility, and all though I probably won't see my chemistry friends too much it's sounds very interesting. Monday is our last regular Calculus Exam and the last week of regular classes. Yes that's right. I never trhought it would come, but the semester is drawing to a close. I'm thrilled and terrified. I could use another few weeks in Organic, but I'm also thrilled to leaving it behind. Organic Chemistry is something that I know I'll need to access later, but right now it's abstract and convoluted. It's just a bunch of reaction floating around in space. I'm sure that it will fall into place when I take Biochemsitry and have an application for it.
Last friday was a fun time. Lots of chinese food, red wine, and a ball winder. I'll post pictures later today. The Munchkin helped too. This week I'm planning kababs on the grill. Hopefully it should be warm and sunny, and the munchkin can run in the grass, while we laze about on the patio. That sounds so good right now. Thursday mornings are always so difficult. I ahev to get up early after Wednesday, my all day day. Truely I work early on Wednesday and round it off with a night class, and an afternoon full of Organic. Luckily next semester (fall) I don't have nay night classes. What will I do with myself. I'll almost be on a normal schedule. Well, I'm off to shower and to work. I'll post some pictures later.

ps-Lynn, you are so right about the mini-me thign. It's almost spooky. If my baby pictures weren't fading it would be hard to tell who you're looking at. :)

Thursday, April 12, 2007

The Peeps

So the Munchkin likes Peeps. Not as much as the malted milk balls, I mean eggs. But she does like the marshmallow. This week has been insane nad since I am lacking in knitting news or pictures I figure a dose of cuteness is in order.

She also likes to paint, which I figured. I think "draw" was her third word. Of course I'm procrasting here. i should be studyign for an Organic Exam, adn doign integrals for Calculus. But there is a light at the end of my tunnel. Tommorow night is knitting night. I'm ordering take-out and Courtneywill be coming over for some knitting and down time. Thank Goodness.

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Adendum and a movie

Well now I know why the few socks I've made for myself were tight. I measured my foot wrong. That's right, or maybe they grew when I was pregnant. Weird things happen to your body when it's busy making a new person. But my foot is actually 8 1/2" long. And I can say that with confience after re-measure yesterday three times. I just couldn't believe it. Al of this comes form a good place though. I finished the frst jaywalker and started the second, while watching "The Holiday." And I must say I loved that movie. First of all I was pleased that while it is a chick flick it not as cheese ball predictible as most. And I really didn't think anyone could make Jude Law any sexier, but this writer did... I don't want to spoil it it so I'll leave it there. I even found Jack Black attractive, JACK BLACK! His character was just so sweet. So check out the movie and maybe, just mabye re-check your own sock size.